Our education program has one mission:
to help people get to heaven. We carry out this task by the following methods:
The Riverbend church takes the task of teaching both our young people and adults very seriously. Though everyone is responsible for their own spiritual growth (Phil 2:12) and the spiritual training of their own children (Prov. 22:6), the Church plays an essential role in everyone’s spiritual learning and growth.
Our education program has one mission: to help people get to heaven. We carry out this task by the following methods:
Bible Classes. They occur during our weekly service schedule: Sundays at 9:30AM and Wednesdays at 7:00PM. Bible classes are available for all ages, starting from precious babies. We use the "Exploring God's Word" curriculum written by Apologetics Press. The Young Adults class, located in the fellowship hall, engages in great Bible discussion. We also have a lecture style class that you may enjoy! It's located in the auditorium.
Bible-Based Lessons. Our ministers present sermons during our worship services: Sundays at 10:30AM and 5:00PM. (Last Sunday of Month emphasis is congregational singing)
Daily Bible Reading. Want to take on reading through the Bible in one year??? Our Chronological Bible Reading Chart may be downloaded by going to our Resources page
We are actively involved with the Lads 2 Leaders program. The very purpose of L2L is to instill the Word of God into youth and adults so that they will naturally stand firm in the faith.